Plenty. But many people are getting their undergarments in a twist over alarmingly inconsequential stuff. In a country where the strongest guarantee of success is being a white man, a problem solvable through at the very least noticing the problems that create this, too many are too worried about frankly meaningless bullshit.
Now, I am not talking about people's materialism. Not in the least. I'm not going to criticize anyone for too many hashtags on their Instagram picture of their not-all-that-interesting latté. I'm not going to chastise some poor teenager for updating their status with their feelings or whereabouts. And I'm certainly not going to try to yell in people's faces (verbally) that we've "lost touch" or "lost sight" of something. This is exactly what I'm trying to call attention to.
Good, good friends of mine have said similar things to what I have just refused to do. I have heard multiple times people I really do like bemoaning "society today" and how bad everything is because people enjoy updating Facebook more than they enjoy reading J.D. Salinger. Hey, I love J.D. Salinger, but I'm sure if he lived in the time of Facebook, even he, creator of Holden Caulfield himself, wouldn't denounce an entire generation as "phonies" because they like sharing.
Sharing is a huge part of this argument, to me. I bring it up every time I engage in this discussion, which, as my views get more adamant, becomes more and more frequently. Sharing is something we're taught to do at a very young age. Show & Tell is a beautiful thing! Bringing something important or interesting to you and showing it to others, and explaining your connection to it is a lovely thing to do. It makes you feel listened to, it makes you feel happy were some other little boy or girl to like that thing as well, and it shows others glimpses of your personality they may not normally ever see. Updating your status with a photo of you in Sardinia on your fun family vacation, (of course devoid of boastfulness or pomposity hopefully) is a very, very, similar action! I do hope that no one I know would find good reason to chastise the poor Sardinia-traveling individual for sharing their pictures! (Really, though, I do detest boastfulness masquerading as a sort of philanthropic desire to share one's gloriousness, but I find this trait is rarely present in the kind of updates I see chastised).
My overall point in this post of mine is that people worry and fuss over things that don't matter, and not only do these things not matter but they are other people's business. I am not trying to stop people worrying about inconsequential crap, because they have the right to. Honestly, that sounds silly but it is absolutely true. I am trying to stop the preachiness and self-righteousness I see so often in good people who want to say something that sounds good and sounds on the moral high ground. Or who just want to seem profound. You're not profound, sirs and madams, you're actually combining two very undesirable actions, all in one! First, you are worrying and fussing over people's internet habits and such, yes? That doesn't matter. That's not something the world's youths ought to be worrying about. Yes, the issue may concern the world's youths anyway, but frankly they probably aren't of much use anyway. No, you, you who bemoans the meaningless Facebook posts and tweets, you are probably decently intelligent, and want to prove it. I believe you! But put your mind to better use, my friends, and worry and fuss over actual problems. Second, it's none of your business anyway. Right now, I acknowledge that I'm confronting you about your business but as many people have seen it fit to lecture me on the problems I'm saying you shouldn't be worried about, I see little problem in pushing back. The youths whose actions and tendencies you bemoan are not you (presumably). They are individuals who are free to choose just how many hashtags they hashtag and how many frappucinos they Instagram. You don't have to follow them, you don't have to associate with them, but it's their business, good people. And if they're not hurting anybody but their own potential, I'm sorry about it, but it's up to them. I don't want to hear any more preaching about problems in "society today" that just aren't a real issue. Please, put your mind to better use. I know, I'm certain, it could do marvelous things if you use it well.
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